Scott and I would like to wish all our clients and friends a Merry Christmas and a safe and relaxing new year. We hope you all have a relaxing break from work, in whatever form that may be. We will be having a well deserved break and look forward to being back in the office in mid january, ready to go for 2020. It looks like the new year will be another busy, productive year for us and we can't wait to work with you again.

Happy Holidays!

Reminder for Windows 7 users

Just a reminder that support for Windows 7 ends in January 2020. If you'd like to know what your options are contact Scott in the new year: scott@redoffice.co.nz
He can recommend the best way to proceed for your business.

The Special Children's Christmas Party

This year we donated to The Special Children's Christmas Party which was held on December 14th in Auckland. There are various events around the country to support children with special needs. It's a worthy cause and helps to make christmas a little more  special for some of these kids. You can view the photos from the Auckland event here.
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